Thursday 2 July 2009

The Passion Test - Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood

Do not be misled by the title. It is not about how good you are in bed or anything like that. Instead this book gives you direction of finding the passions in your life and sets you on the path to fulfuilling them.

This is the description of The Passion Test from the book:

'We all like to feel out lives are purposeful, that we are motivated and inspired by our pursuits and successful in achieving our goals. We like to live a life with passion. Yet many of us feel unsatisfied, unhappy and unfulfilled......

... The Passion Test will help you uncover layer by layer the things in your life which are most imporatant to you. When you've completed the test, you'll so clearly know what your passions are they will come alive inside you. You'll be able to see, feel, touch, taste, smell and create your passionate life.

Not only will you learn how to start dowing the things which make you feel motivated, courageouse and fulfilled, you'll be inspired by the stories of ordinary people who have aligned their lives with their passions, including Janet Attwood's fascinating trek to India.....'

I will be using this blog as a measure of my successes and to keep myself focused.

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